Saturday, October 9, 2010

Saturday Night

Dear Riley,

Earlier this afternoon, your Daddy and I bought a new camera, and while at Best Buy I bought you a movie. Bur tonight, it was just you and me.


Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs! I remember watching this same movie when I was a little girl. So tonight, you and I popped a big bowl of pop corn, got a bunch of pillows, and snuggled up on my bed to watch Snow White together, for the first time.


You were pretty interested for the first hour. You got upset when Snow White started to cry, and you did not like the Queen when she turned into the old woman. You ate the majority of the popcorn and took up most of the pillows. Overall, we had a great Saturday night. 

My life has changed so much with you being in it. It’s funny how certain activities have lost their importance and you have taken over as the only priority. I wouldn’t change one thing.

Love you so much, Riley.

Love, Mama

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