Dear Riley,
I thought you would FOR SURE be potty trained when you turned two because you are pretty smart. Boy was I wrong. Three months into the second year, we are no closer. You just aren’t interested in anything but standing on your potty. It makes a very nice stool. No pun intended.
You are as rambunctious as ever, running, jumping and climbing all over the place. Look what happened to me when I was about your age:
(Jumped from one end of the couch to the other. Came up a little short.)
Your energy level is always on high, which is a good thing. I know what it’s like to have a negative energy level, so it’s very refreshing to see you so bouncy and happy all the time.
I’ve probably told you before, but you are still very caring. If I cry, you want to know why and you give hugs and kisses. If I have a band-aid on, you want to kiss it to make it “All better!” When your Daddy is sick, you are a “sick girl” too.
You love to help me in any way you can. I’m sorry to report, I have taken advantage of your helpfulness and put you to work. You always empty the dishwasher of the silverware and put them in the right drawer. You are always willing to put anything in the trash can, dirty diapers included. The only chore you don’t like doing is cleaning up your toys.
You love to help me cook. You think the spot on the counter in the picture above is your seat. Anytime I am cooking or fixing something, you want to sit there. See all those spices? You take them all out and line them up and then put them all back in the cabinet.
Your Daddy and I spent an entire evening shopping for your Christmas presents. We can’t wait until you can open them! It’s hard to not let you tear into them right this minute! We’ll be patient and continue our Christmas morning tradition.
Love you so much sweet girl!
Love, Mama
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