Monday, November 5, 2012

Ella Rae - 4 month newsletter

Dear Ella,

This month you've started chuckling when we tickle you. But not all the time. You don't laugh hard very often, so when I'm able to coax it out of you it makes my day. You smile and grin, but not many laughs.

In this picture, Aunt Ma knew the trick to get you to laugh. You had been laughing like crazy.

Halloween was just a few days ago. It passed without you noticing much. You were a kitty cat.

Several years ago, Riley was the same kitty cat, too.

You're a very laid back baby. You are content to lay on your mat in the floor, or lay in your bed looking at the balls on your ceiling. You don't put up much of a fuss unless you are hungry. 

Bath-time is your favorite. You kick like crazy! We call it "riding a bicycle" because your legs are constantly moving in the motion of riding a bicycle. 

You're not rolling over yet. Instead, you are trying to sit up. It's funny to watch when you are doing this. You just keep on and on trying, without success.

You don't have much hair, just a small tuft in the back. You're quite bald! I just started giving you cereal some because milk was not filling you up! Cereal isn't your favorite, but with a little applesauce you eat it up.

You kept me up pretty late a few nights ago. I never did really figure out what was wrong with you. I don't know if it was your belly or your gums, but something was just not right. Finally at 2 a.m. I fed you and that kept you down. As a whole, that was the worst night you've ever given me. When you were little you would wake up to eat, but almost always go right back to sleep. I've been so lucky and grateful.

You are a sweet, sweet little girl. I want a dozen just like you.

Love you, baby.
Love, Mama

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