Monday, November 26, 2012

Ella Rae - 5 month newsletter

Dear Ella Rae,

This month snuck up on me! I was not prepared for you to start eating solids, but that's what your doctor recommended. I thought I had two more months before you started solids, but at 4 months and 1 week you had your first solid foods. You like most foods I've tried, with your favorites being green beans and sweet peas. Anything sweet gives you the "bitter-beer face."

You are such a happy baby. Tonight I had you cackling! I love to hear your sweet laugh. You're very serious, too.

Strangers don't bother you much, but you love to stare at new people.

No matter what, your sister is always around. She is your constant entertainment and my invaluable helper. You like bath time best when Riley is in there with you. You love the toys she brings you.

Ella, you can almost roll over. There's nothing really important you are trying to reach, so you don't really give it a good try. I've even put toys just out of your reach but that doesn't seem to motivate you. You're very content to lay around and look.

When Riley was little I couldn't wait for her to hit the next milestone. I wanted her crawling, walking, talking, as soon as possible. It was a new experience to watch a baby grow up. But with you, Ella Rae, I am happiest letting you be a baby. I want you to meet all the milestones, and you do, but if it takes you forever, that's just fine with me. Stay little! I am so enjoying having a baby around to tend to. It's exhausting most days, and even more so with a four year old, but it's my purpose in this world. Both of you girls make my life worth living.

Love you so, so much.

Love, Mama

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