Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Look at what my Grandad made!

My Grandad, there isn’t anything he can’t build or fix! I really believe that! He restored an old trunk that looks so amazing (and I want it by the way!), and he also restored a cedar chest that was a wedding present to my Mother from my Dad. They weren’t married all that long, but I’m grateful to have that cedar chest. Really, I love that thing. Henry hates it, but it’s not going anywhere!

Anyway, Henry and I have been in the need for more storage space for our clothes. Henry has so many plain white t-shirts and I have a lot of what my family calls “everyday clothes”. One day this summer, I spotted a garage sale on the side of the road. Right in the middle of the sale was a good size chest of drawers. I coaxed my thrifty Aunt into going to check the garage sale out and find out exactly how much the chest was…. $20, I’ll take it.




The chest wasn’t in bad shape, but I knew no matter what shape it was in, my Grandad could fix it for me! And did he ever!


Even Riley approves!


I can’t tell you how nice it is not to have to cram all of our clothes into a tiny, Wal-Mart chest. However, that tiny, Wal-Mart chest found a new home in Riley’s room!

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