Tuesday, February 23, 2010

A different kind of Calendar...

So again, my scouring of the Internet let me to this idea. It's a calendar for birthdays. Only. This will be so useful to me because usually at the end of every year I go through my old calendar and re-list everyone's birthday. Sometimes I mess up and get the wrong date, wrong person, or just leave someone totally out. But this project, this project will make life just a little easier for me.

So, I picked up a simple, black frame at a local craft store for all of $4. I also bought a $.50 piece of paper for the actual calendar. However, I can not draw or write very neatly. But, I do have a little sister...
and she can REALLY draw, paint, has neat handwriting, and is pretty much the craftiest person I know. She works a full-time job and has a sweet baby boy, so her time is limited in the crafting department. She made a few extra minutes this week for her big sister and made this calendar!

I just love it. I keep staring at it hanging on the wall. I think I'm in love.

Here's another picture. Sorry, I don't have a $1,000 camera. But I do have a $100 camera, and guess what? It takes pictures!
January - snowflake
February - hearts
March - four-leaf clover
April - an umbrella with rain drops
May - a chili pepper (Morgan came up with this one. May 5th is Cinco de Mayo)
June - sand pail and shovel
July - firecrackers
August - slice of watermelon
September - a lady bug
October - Halloween themed
November - a cornucopia
December - candy canes

Now, I've got to go fill in everyone's name!


  1. That is so cute! I need to do something like this. I love that you talk about not having a $1,000 dollar camera and having a $100! Me too! Great job and super cute

  2. What a cute calendar, and that cardboard chair is adorable! Makes me want to go scrounge up some boxes! :)


    Check out Frame It Friday! over at Loving This Mom Stuff!
    I'd love to see some of your child's artwork!
